Thursday, April 29, 2010

Women of our church are making sweaters for babies in Haiti and the Appalachians. This is a pattern:


4 oz Baby Yarn
Knitting Needles – Size 8 and Size 10
Yarn or Ribbon for tie

GAUGE: 11 sts = 3” with larger needles.

Begin with larger needles. Cast on 46 sts. The first and the last three sts will be knit in every row throughout the sweater.
Rows 1 & 2: Knit.
Row 3: (Beading row) K 3, * purl 2 tog., yo, repeat from * across row, ending with P 2 tog., K 3
(45 sts).
Rows 4 & 5: Knit.
Row 6: K 3, * K1, K1 in front and back of the next stitch to increase, repeat from * across row ending with K1, K 3 (64 sts).
Row 7-10: Knit
Row 11: K 3, * K2 tog., yo, repeat from * across row ending with yo, K 3.
Rows 12 & 13: Knit.
Row 14: K 3, * inc in st by knitting in front and back of the st., K 1, repeat from * across row ending with inc. 1, K4 (93 sts).
Rows 15-18: Knit.
Row 19: Repeat row 11.
Rows 20 & 21: Knit.
Row 22: K 3, * inc. 1, K 1, repeat from * across row ending with K 4 (136 sts).
Rows 23-25: Knit.

Dividing Row: Knit across 20 sts, place on holder for left front, knit 28 sts to remain on needle for left sleeve, place remaining 88 sts on second holder. (There will be 40 sts for the back, 28 sts for the right sleeve, and 20 sts for the right front.)

Sleeves: Continue with larger needles, working in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row) beginning with a knit row. Work even until sleeve measures 4 ½” from last ridge of yoke garter st. Change to smaller needles and decrease 4 sts evenly across, while beginning to rib in a pattern of K1, P 1 across.
Bind off loosely in ribbing when this section is 1 ¼ ’’. Work right sleeve in the same manner, knitting across the 40 sts of the back section and returning these sts to a holder.

Body: Place left front, and back sts on larger needle. Tie yarn at right underarm and knit across 20 sts on holder for right front (80 sts on needle).
Next Row: K 3, purl to last 3 sts, K 3.
Next Row: Knit.
Repeat these two rows until the body measures 4 in. Switch to garter st. (knit each row) until there are three ridges on the knit side (front). Bind off loosely.

Finish: Sew sleeve seams and draw ribbon or tie through beading row at neck edge.

Pattern courtesy of Reba Spencer

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